Sunday, November 22, 2009

Uncle Lloyd Jordan "In Memorium" by Frank Baucom

Click on the image for a larger copy.I believe Uncle Lloyd died in 1979, although I could be wrong about that. So the date given in the journal I believe reflects the date that Dad started writing about Uncle Lloyd. (In 1974.) Then the memorium portion starts and should be dated 1979.

I'll try and transcribe as I get time.

It begins as follows.

June 15, 1974.

Uncle Lloyd Jordan

I wish that I had cultivated my relationship with Uncle Lloyd Jordan at a much earlier age. Of course, years ago I only got to see him once or twice a year, whenever he would come to Birmingham for a visit. He worked for years in the fabric mills of Massachusetts. (I think in Chicopee, home of the manufactures of Savage, Stevens amd Fox firearms.)

He was very adept at repairing machinery and consequently it was always easy for him to find employment.

(This portion of the journal ends, it appears that it was not finished. Now, the memorial essay begins as follows.)

Today, this morning sometime, Heaven became a a little sweeter. My friend, my camping and fishing buddy, my letter correspondent and favorite uncle by far stepped over into another place to check out the fishing for himself and perhaps to see if there were any big bucks there for me.

Mother [Lessie O. Jordan Baucom] called me tonight to tell me. It saddened me of course, but I know how much pain he suffered the last 2-4 years. I talked to him a few months ago and he told me that he prayed nearly every day for the Lord to take him.

Sometimes we can not understand these things, but take comfort in Him who does. I'll miss him, but I'm glad the painful ordeal is over for my friend. Now he has passed from life to eternity.

(To be continued.)

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